Student disruption continues to challenge both the learning environment and the wellbeing of teachers within our classrooms.
Student disruption continues to challenge both the learning environment and the wellbeing of teachers within our classrooms.
Imagine, instead, a classroom that is brimming with curriculum-based interactions and far less interruptions to the flow of the teaching.
Caroline Blackley has observed thousands of teachers at work in their classrooms - a privilege that has allowed her to develop a deep understanding of what goes in to creating a truly inclusive and productive classroom environment, rich with curriculum-based interactions and with minimal disruption.
Additionally, she has been able to pin point what leads to the type of classroom environment that no one wants to be in; and it comes down to a few easy to apply differences in how teachers apply their current skills.
Through applying the Four Dimensions framework to their classroom interactions, teachers are able to quickly see a more productive classroom culture emerge, and start to really enjoy their jobs again.
Imagine, instead, a classroom that is brimming with curriculum-based interactions and far less interruptions to the flow of the teaching.
Dr Caroline Blackley has observed tens of thousands of teachers at work in their classrooms - a privilege that has allowed her to develop a deep understanding of what goes in to creating a truly inclusive and productive classroom environment. An environment rich with curriculum-based interactions and with minimal disruption. Additionally, she has been able to pin point what teachers can do differently, to lead to this classroom environment; and it comes down to how teachers apply their current skills.
Through applying the Four Dimensions framework to their classroom interactions, teachers are able to quickly see what they do that impacts a productive classroom culture. For most teachers these are small shifts within the tool kit they already use. Immediate reflection in practice to ensure teachers enjoy their jobs.
One day workshop
4D: Teaching with less disruption
Teachers have been trained to manage disruptive student behaviours in their classrooms, but how teachers have been taught to manage disruptions is actually counter intuitive to the flow of learning.
This full day, face-to-face workshop:
provides participants with current Australian research about classroom disruption;
links this theory with real classroom examples; and
goes on to cover a simple three step process which will help increase curriculum time while significantly reducing, if not eliminating, student disruptions.
Learning Objectives
Participants will leave this workshop with:
An in depth understanding of the mental models and perceptions that many teachers have of what classrooms should look like;
an understanding of current Australian research on classroom management, and the ability to apply this knowledge within a classroom and/or school setting;
an evidence-based three step process to reduce student disruption that can be implemented immediately in classrooms.
Perfect for
This workshop is perfect for both individuals seeking to improve their practice, and whole of staff professional learning days.
It is relevant to all staff members including school leaders, teachers, teacher aides and office staff.
Individual teachers: $250 per person + GST
Small School (Under 20 staff): $5000 + GST + travel expenses incurred
Medium School (21-50 staff): $7000 + GST + travel expenses incurred
Large School (51-120 staff): $10,000 + GST + travel expenses incurred
Additional staff over maximum number each category are charged at $95 per person + GST
Classroom observer Level I
Teachers and school leaders seek to improve their student’s outcomes through rich learning experiences, however more and more teachers are reporting spending most of their time managing relentless student disruption at the cost of curriculum time.
This 2-day program, delivered face to face or online, is designed for educators who want to learn how to maximise the learning conversations in their classrooms, while gaining the skills to minimise behaviour conversations in their classrooms.
The Four Dimensions framework enables teachers to reflect on the effective teaching and learning strategies they employ, and highlights the opportunities available to create really productive classroom cultures.
It focuses on building a common language, reflecting on your own practice, and the application of the Four Dimensions framework to enhance classroom interactions.
Learning Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will:
understand how interactions impact classroom environments;
develop a common knowledge based in current Australian research;
be able to apply this knowledge and skills to enhance their own teaching practices;
have the skills to observe teachers using the Four Dimensions classroom observation sheet and;
lead reflection conversations with other teachers to enable individual growth.
Perfect for
This program is perfect for anyone who works within a classroom environment including teachers, teacher aides and teacher assistants.
Face to Face: $1100 per person + GST (discounted to 1000 for our partnership schools)
4D Fit: Short course
Teachers have the ability to influence the behaviour in and culture of their classrooms both positively and negatively, however many are unaware of how their decisions are impacting the classrooms they teach in.
This 3 hour online short course centres on decision-making, and is designed to help educators shift the skills they have to change the behaviours of students in their classroom.
Learning Objectives
At the completion of this course, participants will have :
a greater understanding of student behaviour in todays classrooms; and
the knowledge and skills to immediately change their classroom environments for the better!
Perfect for
This short course is perfect for teachers and teacher aides looking to have a positive impact on student behaviour and create a more positive classroom culture.
$350 per person + GST
—What people say
—What people say